Success Stories

Hi this is sumeet sharma here. On this valentine day my wife and me decided to take diet for weight loss and inch loss. From 15th February 2021 we have started our diet from kavita mam .Yesterday on 19th March 2021 we have done In body and surprisingly I lost my body weight by 4.5kg and my wife lost 4.1 kg weight.No middle loss at all. We are very happy with the results of diet provided by Kavita mam. Good thing of this diet plan is use of natural food, food grains and vegetables, not any medicine or tablet also no energy loss. I used to do the Gym about Two hrs. everyday. Diet plan is very user friendly and pocket friendly. If you follow diet properly you will get 100% results. Thank you reform wellness and team
Sumeet Sharma
Hi, I am Rahul Wagh. I am an IT professional. It was a great experience being with Reform Wellness as my health consultant. I was having many issues before joining Reform wellness and diet plan with Roshani Mam. My weight was around 85 kg. My Cholesterol level was very high. That was up to 350 which should be ideally less than 200. I could not walk more than 2 km continuously. Roshani Mam guided me well with all my small and big problems related to my health and answered all my questions. She has in-depth nutrition knowledge. After starting a diet plan and workout guided by Roshani Mam my weight started reducing perfectly as per the scientific way. The best part of the diet plan is they don’t make you starve in fact give way too much eat which was beyond my capacity. Now my current weight is 72 kg which is perfectly suited for me now. My cholesterol level also came down up to 150. My Grateful gratitude to Ms. Roshani Mam and Reform wellness. I wish them a very bright future ahead.
Rahul Wagh
"I always thought losing weight is very difficult but after I started online consultations for weight loss with reform wellness clinic. Dietitian Roshani proved it is not so difficult if we make small changes in our diet and lifestyle. I am Pre-Diabetic and it was very difficult and costly to consult the Dietitian in London, so I half-heartedly decided to go for online consultation but I am really happy with my decision as I lost 17 Kgs in around 5 months that too during lockdown when it was not very easy to get stuff here. Thanks to Roshani for answering my queries on time and motivating me to follow her Diet Plans. Much Appreciated!! Keep It Up!! "
"I have lost approximately 5 kgs in one month. It was the guidance of Kavita ma'am at reform wellness that I was able to achieve it. I stay as a bachelor but the diet chart made was so flexible and easy to cook that there were hardly any challenges for me to follow a healthy diet. She motivated me, yelled at me, made me understand why it is important to follow a diet. It was all home-cooked meal in the diet and no medication of any sort to lose my weight. I would definitely recommend every aspirant who wants to live healthily but are regretting their last meal by looking at their weight, to consult Kavita. She is the guidance you need. "
Sonal Singh
"I was overweight since my childhood because of studies I couldn't focus on my health. I was tired of doing fad diets that didn't work at all but did adverse effects on my body like hair fall, vitamin deficiencies and etc. I was a little skeptical before joining my journey with the reform wellness clinic because I believed that my body will never change and I will be overweight for my entire life. But then when I met Kavita and had my first meet with her she gave me very positive vibes and in a friendly manner, she explained to me how her diet is actually a lifestyle change. I have lost 8 kgs in lesser than 3 months which earlier I thought was simply impossible to achieve. It didn't even feel like I was dieting, I thoroughly enjoyed the process. She never gives randomly anything to eat, her plan is always well balanced where I get to eat everything that fulfills the nutritional needs of the body. Not just weight loss but now my hair quality has also improved and my acne has completely vanished. The diet is also updated after every follow up so you don't even feel bored of eating the same thing. Her recipes are very easy to prepare and are super tasty. Before starting with any plan she explains its purpose and the science behind it and asks if it is doable for you or not. Thank you so much Kavita mam and team for changing my lifestyle into a healthy one.
Richa Gupta
I had a great experience of reform wellness clinic viman nagar .it is an absolute pleasure to work with. I was consulting remotely, and I opted for three months of diet program. In 3 months program worked better as it takes a while to understand and properly follow the diet plans. Also, you give yourself time to adjust to diet plans and to make a habit of eating good food. That’s the main area where I struggled the most, being consistent, and I think dietitian Roshni was excellent in helping me overcome those issues. She kept regular follow-ups and guided me through the process. She listened very patiently to all the concerns and questions. She customized plans based on the needs and availability of the products. She makes adjustments to the plans based on the progress you make. Also, her focus is losing the weight in the right way and not by keeping calorie counts with some extreme diets. The main achievement for me, along with losing weight, is getting into the habit of eating home-cooked, fresh, and portioned meals. I feel this is something that is going to help me in the long run. Overall, Roshni is a great nutritionist, knows her stuff very well, has a very good and professional setup. Her diet plans are easy to follow and maintain, and you would see the results if you are consistent. I would recommend her to anyone with diet/weight loss concerns.
Pooja Jain